Thin Lunar Crescent
Thin Lunar Crescent with only 2.7% of the disk illuminated (4.5º altitude). [2018-05-16]
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Mercury Transit – 2016-05-09
Partial Mercury Transit, from 17:52UT to 18:42UT. Canon EOS 7D + Vixen Scope 80mm, f=910mm + Porta Mount + Orion…
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Planet: Uranus
Uranus planet captured 2015/09/28 between 23:15 and 23:30 GMT+1 with an LX200 7″ and a DMK 41AU02 camera. Composition of 600…
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Moon Surface
Moon surface pictures captured 2015/09/28 with an LX200 7″ and a DMK 41AU02 camera. Taken under poor conditions: top foggy…
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Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Régulus
Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Régulus, from bottom to top. Moon only with 6% illumination.If you liked this, please share it,…
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M42 Nebula
A nebulosa de Orion é também descrita como M42 ou NGC 1976, é uma nebulosa difusa que se encontra entre…
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